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:: Volume 7, Issue 4 (winter 2017) ::
jiitm 2017, 7(4): 499-506 Back to browse issues page
Ethno-Botanic Study and Traditional Use of Medicinal Plant of Ajabshir City
S. Maleki-khezerlu * , S. Ansari-Ardali , M. Maleki-khezerlu
Abstract:   (8218 Views)

Background and Purpose: Changing the approach of communities to the use of herbal medicines is related to the long-standing position of plants between people, their traditional understanding of plants and also negative effects of the chemical drugs. Identification and introduction of reserves native plants of each region, traditional forms of these plants with respect to the diversity of Iran ecological could provide useful information in the field of pharmaceutical and public health system. Due to that the collection of major plants is done from the forest, pasture, mountain and river views, it can be applied to achieve detailed information on indigenous knowledge. In this respect the study of ethnobotanical and how to use some native plants was performed Ajabshir city.

Methods and Materials: Ajabshir city is located in 95 kilometers from Tabriz. Ajabshir has been located beside a fertile plain, over the rich sediments of Ghalechaeei River at the Tourjan and Jeridan highlands.  Parts of the agricultural lands have been located around Urumia Lake. The required information for the present study was collected during the years 2012 and 2013 after a preliminary analysis for determining the area of study and visiting the pre-specified regions. Medicinal plants from different parts of the region were gathered and plant species used by native residents were identified. Drug information was obtained from knowledgeable native people, reliable old people, reliable and well-known grocers, citation studies and medicinal references.

Conclusion: According to the survey results, 57 species of grassland plants including 26 families were identified in the region. Asteraceae family with 10 species and Lamiaceae family with 7 species had the maximum numbers of species. According to the results, it is believed that using a combination of some medicinal plants have a greater impact on patient and the use of these compounds before the infection can guarantee the protection of the individual against the disease and strengthen the immune.

Keywords: Ajabshir, Ethno-Botanic, Indigenous Resource, Medicinal Plants.
Full-Text [PDF 47 kb]      
Memorial article: Origianal Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2015/05/5 | Accepted: 2016/11/17
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Maleki-khezerlu S, Ansari-Ardali S, Maleki-khezerlu M. Ethno-Botanic Study and Traditional Use of Medicinal Plant of Ajabshir City. jiitm 2017; 7 (4) :499-506
URL: http://jiitm.ir/article-1-786-en.html

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Volume 7, Issue 4 (winter 2017) Back to browse issues page
مجله طب سنتی اسلام و ایران Journal of Islamic and Iranian Traditional Medicine

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