Background and Purpose: Human indigenous knowledge appears in different fields for sustainable livelihood in his environment. ethnobotany is a subset of indigenous knowledge for understanding the multifaceted role of plants in an area of local communities. In other word, ethnobothany can be regarded as a systematic method of studying human and plant interrelationship. From cultural and ethnic diversity view point, Iran is a rich land including a variety of unique natural ecosystems and climatic conditions for growing wild edible and medicinal plants. Regarding the necessity to preserve this natural and cultural heritage, the research was conducted on nomads' indigenous knowledge of plants in Dilegan rangeland in kohgiloye and Boirahmad province.
Material and Methods: A range of methods for collecting data from systematically methods such as designed questionnaires, to unstructured ones like meeting and free conversation with local experts were used. Conversations was done in two types:interview from nomads in their residence and participatory observation in plants habitat. Along with participatory interviews, plant samples were gathered and identified based on botanical sources.
Results: The results of this investigation indicate that nomads made various medicinal & edible uses of all collected plants. As the 70 species studied, 8 species used for food and reinforcements, 7 ones for both edible & medicinal and the others for medicinal and sanitary objectives.
Conclusions: The findings confirm that both Diverse geographical conditions and habitats as well as ancient culture of Iran provides a A treasure of human's innovations in the field of traditional botany and eatable and medicinal attributes of plants. So recording them will not only protect this heritage but also pave the way for the various researches.