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p-ISSN: 2008-8574

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:: Volume 13, Issue 2 (summer 2022) ::
jiitm 2022, 13(2): 167-180 Back to browse issues page
A viewpoint on the philosophical foundations of medical knowledge and the health system
Mohammad Ahamadizadeh * , Hamed Arezaei , Azam Ghasemi
Abstract:   (1296 Views)
One of the important entries in philosophy of medicine is the discussion on the reliance of medical knowledge and the health system on fundamental knowledge and the analysis of its philosophical roots. It is noteworthy that, not enough attention has been paid to this issue, to the extent that sometimes it is not deemed necessary for medicine and the health system. This study endeavors to explore a history of philosophical discussions in relation to medical issues among Islamic and contemporary philosophers, physicians, and especially philosopher-physicians. This study also touches on issues such as: What is health? Is health an objective fact or a credit matter? What is the relationship between illness and health? What is the origin of health and illness? Can non-physical things be effective in the health of the human body? What is pain? What are the criteria for classification of diseases? What is a mental illness and what is it like? How should the physician’s relationship with the patient be? Is it possible to prescribe death for reasons such as incurability or suffering? These are among objective and field questions of medical knowledge and the health system. In the attempt to answer the mentioned questions, a researcher is confronted with fundamental philosophical issues, especially philosophical anthropology. Indeed, different philosophical views on basic issues such as anthropology and the stages of man's life, philosophy of science, and the scientific methods can have a significant effect on formation of medical knowledge, and thereby, the health system. As a result, scientific principles and methods of diagnosis and treatment in a range of different medical schools, from modern medicine to traditional and complementary medicines, have undergone fundamental revisions and changes. This can lead to formation of medical systems over time, each of which is recognized in its own epistemological system and arising from unique philosophical foundations.
Keywords: Health, Disease, Philosophy, Medical Anthropology
Full-Text [PDF 65 kb]      
Memorial article: Interview | Subject: Special
Received: 2020/07/25 | Accepted: 2022/08/16
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Ahamadizadeh M, Arezaei H, Ghasemi A. A viewpoint on the philosophical foundations of medical knowledge and the health system. jiitm 2022; 13 (2) :167-180
URL: http://jiitm.ir/article-1-1515-en.html

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Volume 13, Issue 2 (summer 2022) Back to browse issues page
مجله طب سنتی اسلام و ایران Journal of Islamic and Iranian Traditional Medicine

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This Journal is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

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