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:: Volume 3, Issue 3 (Fall 2012) ::
jiitm 2012, 3(3): 275-284 Back to browse issues page
Presentation of Razavi dietary pattern on foundation of Resaleh Zahabieh of Imam Reza (AS)
S. Esmeli , F. Falahi , GH. Noormohammadi *
Abstract:   (21205 Views)

Introduction: Preventive medicine is the most important way to health preservation and “Resaleh Zahabieh” is the oldest medical text and first book in preventive medicine and health preservation that was written in Islamic world and by one Muslim. This text has unique traits in container. "Resaleh Zahabieh" is very summery, but contains the most health preservation subjects. But nutrition is core of this text. Nutrition is one of the six principles of health preservation subjects in TIM. In Islamic training, the regard of eating and drinking principles has a characteristic position. Unsuitable nutrition is one of the most important etiologies in many diseases like as DM, DLP and CVD. On traditional medicine opinion, unsuitable nutrition is a main element in diseases, physiopathology, too. In this article, nutritional subjects on "Resaleh Zahabieh" have been studied and tried to present in format of one coherent pattern.
Methods: The current study is a review (collection) study. In the beginning, various versions and explanations of “Resaleh” were collected. Text of“Resaleh” on Behar version compare with Khatoon Abadi version. Then, nutritional subjects were drawn out and translated. To better understanding the terms and phrases, reliable TIM books and the explanations were used. Finally, nutritional subjects were categorized.
Results: Importance of eating and drinking planning, traits of an appropriate nutrition (quantity and quality of diet, eating form and sequence observation in feeding), drinking instruction, relation between diet and other human activities (like as sleep, cupping, travel and intercourse) and relation between diet and diseases are the results, topics of this research.
Conclusion: “Razavi dietary pattern” can introduce a new pattern in prevention and treatment of nutritional based diseases.

Keywords: Razavi Dietary Pattern, Islamic medicine, Traditional Iranian Medicine, Resaleh Zahabieh, Dietary pattern, Nutrition
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Memorial article: Review Article | Subject: Special
Received: 2012/05/22 | Accepted: 2012/09/7
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Esmeli S, Falahi F, Noormohammadi G. Presentation of Razavi dietary pattern on foundation of Resaleh Zahabieh of Imam Reza (AS). jiitm 2012; 3 (3) :275-284
URL: http://jiitm.ir/article-1-151-en.html

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Volume 3, Issue 3 (Fall 2012) Back to browse issues page
مجله طب سنتی اسلام و ایران Journal of Islamic and Iranian Traditional Medicine

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