The Essay aim is search of Ebnesina’s Point of view about the Geriatricsand rooting the phrase and important medicine and hygiene major out that has been mis ascribed to scientific finding in late 20thcentury. For achieving this aim, after computerizing the complete book of law in the medicine which was written by Ebnesina (was translated by abdolrahmansharaphcandy) , we have looked for words like old age and dotage and we have found that a majority of current words that are related to theGeriatrics, there are in chapters and main subjects of this book. This book consist of the lengthy explanation about the elderly hygiene, their diet, their apt drinks, their sport, their rest, so on as well other subjects such as effect of environment on premature aging, effect of infertile and fertile on starting point of old age, effect of old age on sensitiveness and resistance against infectious diseases and sever fevers and fatal pains. So this bookrecognized principals of theGeriatricsand its difference with medicine in others ages. With due attention to increase of life expectancy at our country and obvious changes at top of age pyramid that led to increase of the elderly population and increase of their medical and health needs, it is necessary to think about establishing of this major and thisimportant medicine branch in the third millennium AD. Of course we must consider Ebnesina’s thoughts and World Health Organization’s emphases at this way. |