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:: Volume 10 - ::
jiitm 2020, 10 - : 17-28 Back to browse issues page
A document from Abadan petroleum school (institute) of nursing, textbook of the school (institute) of nursing of the National Iranian Oil Company
Maryam Darvishian *
Abstract:   (4041 Views)
Developing and expanding the scope of oil exploration and refining operations, and increasing number of workers and migrants in the new cities of Masjed-Sulayman and Abadan, caused healthcare to be considered attentively since the first year of the emergence of the oil industry.
In Abadan, the Outpatient Clinical Center (O.P.D) and then the oil hospital, known as Hospital No. 2, initially operated with foreign medical and administrative staffs (English and Hindi), but the process of localization was inevitable.
For this purpose, the School of Nursing of the British-Iran Oil Company was established in 1921, and was renamed to the School (institute) of Nursing of the National Iranian Oil Company after upgrading to a higher educational level and nationalization of the oil industry.
The institute was a center for training Nurses and Practical Nurses (care assistant) for working in Abadan Oil Hospital, refinery industrial medicine, health clinics in oil and gas fields and other centers.
In Abadan Nursing School, various text and printed materials were used as textbooks, many of which were in the form of a booklet. One of these cases is a booklet held in the library of Abadan Oil Hospital.
In this essay, with a brief look at the history and timeline of nursing education in Abadan and oil-rich regions, we present a new document from Abadan Nursing School and reread the full text in the end.
Keywords: Oil Industry, Healthcare, Treatment, Abadan, Nursing Education
Full-Text [PDF 43 kb]      
Memorial article: Origianal Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2019/12/30 | Accepted: 2019/12/30
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Darvishian M. A document from Abadan petroleum school (institute) of nursing, textbook of the school (institute) of nursing of the National Iranian Oil Company. jiitm 2020; 10 :17-28
URL: http://jiitm.ir/article-1-1154-en.html

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مجله طب سنتی اسلام و ایران Journal of Islamic and Iranian Traditional Medicine

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