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p-ISSN: 2008-8574

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:: Volume 2, Issue 2 (Summer 2011) ::
jiitm 2011, 2(2): 147-154 Back to browse issues page
Elm-o-Nafs in the Holy Quran, Islamic Philosophy, Psychology and Neuroscience: A Comparative Study
A. Jahangir , M. Karbakhsh * , B. Mousavi , F. Farzadi , F. Mftoon , J. Seddighi
Abstract:   (26604 Views)

Background: The purpose of this paper is to compare the concept of Nafs in the Holy Quran, Islamic philosophy texts, psychology, and neuroscience.
Methods: The definition of Nafs in the Holy Quran and philosophy, psychiatry, and neuroscience texts is presented. Then, the correlations of these viewpoints are provided to achieve an explanation of the concept. Considering the comparisons as well as the objective experience f authors, an applicable conclusion is provided.
Findings: The concept of Nafs has been frequently mentioned in the Holy Quran and philosophical and spiritual texts. The concepts of “anima” and “animus” in the Jung’s school of psychology seem to be comparable Gharin and Gharineh in the Quran. There seems to be objective indications for Nafs concept from the viewpoint of the Quran, Jung’s psychology, and neuroscience research.
Discussion: Belief in seraphic creatures and Nafs can be observed in the thoughts of divine religions. Nevertheless, when the objective evaluations are considered, some scientists do not accept the existence and effects of these items. The result is denial of a wide range of human dimensions, which can be found in religious, philosophical, spiritual, psychological, and neuroscience texts. Photographic documentation of inorganic creatures can be helpful in acknowledgement of these realities. Documentation methods may lead to a deep revolution in management of the western psychology and provides novel aspects for the religious viewpoints.

Keywords: Nafs, Quran, Psychology, Theology, Neuroscience.
Full-Text [PDF 133 kb]      
Memorial article: Review Article | Subject: Special
Received: 2011/01/16 | Accepted: 2011/07/9
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Jahangir A, Karbakhsh M, Mousavi B, Farzadi F, Mftoon F, Seddighi J. Elm-o-Nafs in the Holy Quran, Islamic Philosophy, Psychology and Neuroscience: A Comparative Study. jiitm 2011; 2 (2) :147-154
URL: http://jiitm.ir/article-1-95-en.html

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Volume 2, Issue 2 (Summer 2011) Back to browse issues page
مجله طب سنتی اسلام و ایران Journal of Islamic and Iranian Traditional Medicine

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