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:: Volume 8, Issue 4 (Winter 2018) ::
jiitm 2018, 8(4): 463-467 Back to browse issues page
Dental diseases and therapeutic methods in Islamic civilization
M. Farkhondehzadeh * , M. Gohari Fakhrabad
Abstract:   (10773 Views)
Background and Purpose: Dental knowledge in Islamic civilization was not considered a separate discipline. Islamic doctors did a lot of research about the nature of teeth, diseases, causes and ways to treat it. They described precisely different dental diseases under various titles, such as decay, resizing and color, fracture, wear, perforation, corrosion, sluggishness, and tooth decay. They tried to explain the causes of each one.
Methods and Materials: This research is based on ancient medical texts. The most important of these sources are: Ferdos al-Hakmah Ibn-Rabban Tabari, Ibn-e-Sina's Qanun, Kamel al-Sana'a 'Ali ibn Abbas Maqusi and Al-Hawi Razi. Along with that, the works of Jorjani and the Moalejat al Boqratiyya of Ahmad Tabari and Muslim doctors up to the beginning of the Safavid period (reign: 907-1135 AH) have also been used. However, the first-hand content is found in four first sources. The research method in this paper is descriptive and in the further attempt of the authors it was to match the findings and achievements of Muslim dentistry with modern dentistry - to the extent possible.
Results: Muslim doctors have been prophylaxis for pre-treatment, so it's advisable to use mouthwash, toothbrushing, not to eat some foods like pickles, sweets, cold and hot meals, to rub oil on teeth To maintain health and improve oral health. Muslim doctors believe that many dental illnesses are caused by human and gum dampness, thus prescribing drugs to change the condition and dry the gum. Drug treatments, winding, dripping, cupping, and prostate drugs were used in chewing or dermatological drugs that were applied to the teeth, and were used as a fusion and placement. In addition to the use of medicine, doctors used special dental instruments for treatment. Tooth filling, restoration of rotten teeth and broken teeth, stiffening of lacerated teeth and scaling were common methods for dental treatment.
Conclusion: The method of prevention and treatment of unhealthy teeth in traditional medicine, which was prescribed by herbal and animal medicine, indicates the identification of herbs and their efficacy in the treatment of diseases. Therefore, the method of medicine and applied drugs after confirmation can be used in modern dentistry.
Keywords: Dental knowledge in Islamic civilization, Dental diseases, toothbrushing
Full-Text [PDF 59 kb]      
Memorial article: Origianal Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2017/09/13 | Accepted: 2017/11/17
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Farkhondehzadeh M, Gohari Fakhrabad M. Dental diseases and therapeutic methods in Islamic civilization. jiitm 2018; 8 (4) :463-467
URL: http://jiitm.ir/article-1-920-en.html

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Volume 8, Issue 4 (Winter 2018) Back to browse issues page
مجله طب سنتی اسلام و ایران Journal of Islamic and Iranian Traditional Medicine

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