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:: Volume 8, Issue 3 (Fall 2017) ::
jiitm 2017, 8(3): 335-345 Back to browse issues page
A Brief review of the advantage and disadvantage of squat and sitting toilets on fecal defection in Traditional Persian and Conventional Medicine perspectives
Z. Yaghoubi , J. Sarrafzadeh * , M. Ansaripour , M. Naseri , R. Hedayati
Abstract:   (5918 Views)
Background and Purpose: Evacuation is one of the 6 essential health’s rules. Dysfunction in normal fecal depletion causes multiple diseases. In traditional Persian medicine, constipation is known to be mother of diseases that in addition to the digestive system gradually affects the whole body. Therefore, it’s very important to design proper toilets in order to help proper fecal depletion. The aim of the current study is to investigate the advantages and disadvantages of the two common squatting and sitting toilets.
Methods and Materials: This as a review study. Electronic databases such as PubMed, Science Direct, Springer, and Google Scholar were searched using related keywords and related articles in traditional and conventional medicine were studied.
Results: Squatting and sitting toilets are two of the most common toilets. It seems that in healthy people, squatting toilet is the most appropriate choice considering the health of the digestive system, biomechanics and fast, east and complete depletion. Chronic use of sitting toilets has probably lots of adverse effects on the health of the digestive system and consequently the whole body. But if for some reason squatting toilet is not applicable, siting toilet can be considered as a good alternative.
Keywords: Fecal depletion, squat toilet, sitting toilet, constipation
Full-Text [PDF 67 kb]      
Memorial article: Origianal Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2016/02/17 | Accepted: 2016/12/7
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Yaghoubi Z, Sarrafzadeh J, Ansaripour M, Naseri M, Hedayati R. A Brief review of the advantage and disadvantage of squat and sitting toilets on fecal defection in Traditional Persian and Conventional Medicine perspectives. jiitm 2017; 8 (3) :335-345
URL: http://jiitm.ir/article-1-907-en.html

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Volume 8, Issue 3 (Fall 2017) Back to browse issues page
مجله طب سنتی اسلام و ایران Journal of Islamic and Iranian Traditional Medicine

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