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:: Volume 8, Issue 3 (Fall 2017) ::
jiitm 2017, 8(3): 297-308 Back to browse issues page
Survey of Nutritional and Remedial Properties of Date palm in Quran, hadiths, Traditional and Modern Medicine
H. Moosavy * , N. Shavisi , S. A. Khatibi
Abstract:   (6870 Views)
Background and Purpose: Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera) is one of the most important nutritional sources in the South West of Asia and North Africa. After Egypt, Iran has the second rank in date production in the world. By the development of science in various fields in recent years, several aspects of medicinal and nutritional benefits of date palm have been confirmed. By studying of Quran, narrations, and hadiths of the Imams (AS), we found that many of these benefits and other properties of date have already been mentioned. Therefore, this article is prepared to determine the nutritional and remedial properties of data in the Quran, Hadith and traditional medicine as well as in modern medicine.
Methods and Materials: Generally, the date palm has nutritious, sedative, expectorant, laxative, libido enhancer effects. It is also effective in treating respiratory diseases, cough, asthma, chest pains, fever, high blood pressure, and fatigue. This research was performed as a review study on totally 105 qualified resources about the medical properties of date palm in Quran, hadiths, traditional medicine as well as recent scientific studies from 2000 to 2016.
Results: In addition to the recommendations of Quran and Prophet, Imams and traditional resources to the consumption of date palm, findings of recent studies also indicate that the date palm is effective in the treatment of various diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, infectious diseases, diabetes, infertility, scar, peptic ulcer, cancer, Parkinson and Alzheimer. It also has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antioxidant properties.
Conclusion: The findings of this research can be an effective step to confirm the scientific aspects of the Quran and narratives of the Imams (AS), especially in the case of fruits like the date palm.
Keywords: Palm date, Quran, Hadith, Medicine, Di
Full-Text [PDF 54 kb]      
Memorial article: Origianal Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2016/02/17 | Accepted: 2016/12/8
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Moosavy H, Shavisi N, Khatibi S A. Survey of Nutritional and Remedial Properties of Date palm in Quran, hadiths, Traditional and Modern Medicine. jiitm 2017; 8 (3) :297-308
URL: http://jiitm.ir/article-1-903-en.html

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Volume 8, Issue 3 (Fall 2017) Back to browse issues page
مجله طب سنتی اسلام و ایران Journal of Islamic and Iranian Traditional Medicine

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This Journal is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

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