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:: Volume 2, Issue 1 (Spring 2011) ::
jiitm 2011, 2(1): 3-8 Back to browse issues page
“Advieh-e Jadideh” (Novel drugs) in Aghili’s Pharmaceutical Books
M.M. Ahmadian-Attari , M. Mosaddegh *
Abstract:   (20772 Views)

“Advieh-e Jadideh” (Novel drugs) is a term used by Aghili Khorasani to introduce some of the single drugs of his pharmacopoeia. He defined this term as drugs originated abroad with no history of use in Iranian Traditional Medicine (ITM). Study of this issue has some historical points like mercantile aspects of traditional pharmacy. However, the current investigation tries to clarify the approach of traditional physicians in encountering with western system of pharmacy and medicine. To this end, the term “Advieh-e Jadideh” was searched through Aghili’s pharmaceutical books, i.e., Makhzan ul-Advia and Gharabadin-e Kabir and then the nature, source of preparation, and scientific name of these drugs were investigated. The results show that the term was used for 27 drugs in the books, out of which the scientific name of 16 were determined. The nature of most of the drugs was determined to be hot and dry and in determination of the nature of the drugs there were some controversies in some cases. Determination of the nature of the drugs was mostly based upon the use of them in foreign treatment systems. However, the common methods of comparison and experience were also employed. Out of the drugs, seven were originated from America, six from a region near Venezuela, and others were from China and other countries. The study shows that using other treatment systems along with the ITM was acceptable for Aghili Khorasani. The attempts to determine the nature of the drugs indicate the possibility of their integration into the drug system of ITM. With respect to the similar case ITM experience in dealing with modern medicine, it is suggested that by evaluation of the temperament of novel drugs and determination of the traditional mechanism of their effectiveness, the possibility of integration and simultaneous use of ITM with modern medicine be assessed

Keywords: Advieh-e Jadideh, Novel drugs, Aghili Khorasani, Iranian Traditional Medicine, Western Medicine
Full-Text [PDF 136 kb]      
Memorial article: Origianal Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2010/12/17 | Accepted: 2011/03/5
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Ahmadian-Attari M, Mosaddegh M. “Advieh-e Jadideh” (Novel drugs) in Aghili’s Pharmaceutical Books. jiitm 2011; 2 (1) :3-8
URL: http://jiitm.ir/article-1-83-en.html

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Volume 2, Issue 1 (Spring 2011) Back to browse issues page
مجله طب سنتی اسلام و ایران Journal of Islamic and Iranian Traditional Medicine

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