The Study of Difficult Parturition in the History of Islamic Medicine
A. Montazer Alghaem , F. Alian * , Z. HosseinHashemi  |
Abstract: (7211 Views) |
Background and Purpose: gynecology including medical problems , especially in the scope of women and birth and duties known to death during childbirth is following the women . The question is that scientists and sages Muslim causes and hard elements in the diagnosis and treatment plan also them? To answer the above question, this study was designed.
Methods and Materials: The study was conducted library research. By studying medical books Islamic period in the field of gynecology regarding especially the curing of difficult parturition The Islamic physicians were. A total of 19 books and was the Islamic period.
Conclusion: It seems that physicians Islamic period without a microscope and electronic devices and only on success in the diagnosis and treatment of the signs and symptoms became gynecology. Clinical findings of the original study obstetrician is likely to be at least as useful clinical trial.
Keywords: midwifery, gynecology, difficult parturition, womb, drug therapy, ointment therapy. |
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Memorial article: Review Article |
Special Received: 2016/02/2 | Accepted: 2016/12/6
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