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:: Volume 5, Issue 2 (summer 2014) ::
jiitm 2014, 5(2): 159-168 Back to browse issues page
Information management in Traditional medicine
A. Aghebati * , R. Safdari , H. Dargahi , S.A. Gushehgir
Abstract:   (11569 Views)

Background and Purpose: Objective: Given the increasing development of traditional medicine, the World Health Organization (WHO) has noted data management of traditional medicine and the need for acquiring the existing knowledge through the accurate exchange of information as well as preservation and protection of traditional knowledge resources. The use of traditional medicine in developing countries and developed countries is increasingly expanding. The purpose of this study is to develop a traditional medicine information management processing.

Material and Methods: This is a review article which is carried out using books, articles, national and international journals as well as electronic resources and websites available on the Internet.

Results: Despite the increasing development of traditional medicine, information has not been developed. Information development through web-based resources, proper communication with physicians and pharmaceutical packaging can lead to the development of information and quality of care. WHO has become a convenient and reliable source for information exchange. A global database of traditional medicine as well as a global database of medicinal herbs has been developed by WHO. The recommendations of WHO on documentation of traditional medicine include initial complaint recording, medical history, the findings of the physical examination, examination diagnosis and treatment plan, privacy and patient satisfaction, insurance and legal reports. Data elements should be standardized for comparison. The data can be transferred using electronic records. Furthermore, the record of data and assessment of patient’s status will be done better. WHO published the international standard terminology that is the underlying data to better understanding of actions, research and training and developing a database to retrieve articles. The chapter 23 of the book, ICD_11, is developed to make evidence-based traditional medicine, terminology, diagnosis classification, and designed interventions. It is also widely used in the International Classification of Traditional Medicine (ICTM) project which employs a wide range of traditional medicine knowledge worldwide.

Conclusions: Given the development of traditional medicine, therapeutic interventions and medicinal complications of traditional and conventional medicine cause risks to patients. Development of reliable information and proper communication of patients and physicians will be helpful. Standard documentation, the global database and international classification and naming resources will integrate information and develop global statistics. Information development and information management process have an important role in improvement of  patient care.

Keywords: Traditional Medicine, Database, Information
Full-Text [PDF 40 kb]      
Memorial article: Origianal Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2014/03/2 | Accepted: 2014/07/4
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Aghebati A, Safdari R, Dargahi H, Gushehgir S. Information management in Traditional medicine. jiitm 2014; 5 (2) :159-168
URL: http://jiitm.ir/article-1-370-en.html

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Volume 5, Issue 2 (summer 2014) Back to browse issues page
مجله طب سنتی اسلام و ایران Journal of Islamic and Iranian Traditional Medicine

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