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:: Volume 4, Issue 3 (Fall 2013) ::
jiitm 2013, 4(3): 235-245 Back to browse issues page
Epidemiology of Common Diseases in Hajj and the role of traditional medicine in controlling them
H Bahavar * , N. Bahador
Abstract:   (11323 Views)

Abstract: according to the significant volumes of traveling of Iranian pilgrims to the Hajj and prevalence of different diseases among pilgrims, one of the main concerns of the Hajj organization, the pilgrims and especially the physicians is recognition of common diseases, Control and prevent the spread of them in the Hajj trip. Two important questions are raised: What are the common diseases in Hajj? Can Traditional medicine be beneficial in the prevention and treatment of these diseases along with modern medicine?

The aim of this study is finding epidemiology of common diseases among Iranian pilgrims in Hajj and the role of solution of traditional medicine in prevention and controlling them.

This overview- descriptive study is encompassed on Iranian patient pilgrims who referred to the clinics of Hajj organization in Mecca and Medina during one month period in 1389. The kind of diseases were examined based on specific symptoms and main problem of pilgrims  and  by using library resources of traditional medicine the possible solutions of traditional medicine have been presented to these diseases.

In this study, 1956 patients were examined and the most common diseases in Hajj are respiratory diseases, cough and cold with the rate of 17.6%, digestion diseases and constipation with the rate of 12.8% and muscular spasm and skeletal diseases with the rate of 12%.

Due to the limitations of Hajj organization and Pilgrims on transferring medical drugs from Iran to Saudi Arabia and also according to our leader‘s eloquent speech,” Medical problems should be solved in our country and it will be solved .When we have scientific characters like Ibn Sina and al-Razi and others why we shouldn’t be hopeful to become Self-sufficient country today.”

Unfortunately despite the numerous studies done by other partners, until now the role of traditional medicine in the prevention and treatment of these diseases have not been reviewed And it seems the wisely solutions of traditional medicine can play an active role in prevent of pilgrim’s problems and diseases to protect the their health, Especially in the grueling heat of the Saudi Arabia. Due to the very high number of patients per shift, it is not possible to educating these wisely solutions to patients by for physicians. So it’s better, these educations have been started from the early stages of the Hajj Registration with books, Leaflet about Principles traditional medicine on health.

Keywords: Common Diseases in Hajj, traditional medicine, saving health
Full-Text [PDF 40 kb]      
Memorial article: Origianal Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2013/03/30 | Accepted: 2013/09/17
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Bahavar H, Bahador N. Epidemiology of Common Diseases in Hajj and the role of traditional medicine in controlling them. jiitm 2013; 4 (3) :235-245
URL: http://jiitm.ir/article-1-297-en.html

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Volume 4, Issue 3 (Fall 2013) Back to browse issues page
مجله طب سنتی اسلام و ایران Journal of Islamic and Iranian Traditional Medicine

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