Adandalos is a country in the western land, but belonging to the Islamic world. In the very long period of history, it was the medical center of Arab world and it has maintained its dignity and civilization. From this country, the findings of knowledge, culture, and Islamic art spread to Europe. In spite of opposing of Church with any kind of intellectual and scientific development, the muslim surgery operator, Abulghasem Alzahravi, had compiled a comprehensive book in the medical science in the most difficult period of history. It was based on his personal experiences. In spite of in-dignifying the surgery knowledge, He took it as an independent branch of the medical science, basing on the documental description of other disciplines. Therefore, in the history of the medical science, Abulghasem Alzahravi serves as a more influential figure in the description of the surgery operation
Beig Babapour Y, Hoshyar A. Abulghasem Alzahravi: Founder of Surgery Operation in Islamic World. jiitm 2013; 4 (1) :87-96 URL: