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:: Volume 15, Issue 1 (spring 2024) ::
jiitm 2024, 15(1): 27-34 Back to browse issues page
Comparison of Aftingel topical ointment versus oral antibiotics in the treatment of traumatic wounds on the lip mucosa in patients aged 17 and older presenting to the emergency departments of Al-Zahra and Kashani Medical Education Centers affiliated with Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
Reza Azizkhani , Parisa Nasr Isfahani * , Mohammad Mazaheri , Farhad Heydari
Abstract:   (323 Views)
Background and Purpose: Management of acute traumatic wounds is one of the most common procedures in emergency medicine. Antibiotics are used to reduce risk of infection and accelerate wound healing. Considering the high rates of systemic side effects, numerous interactions, and antibiotic resistance compared to the lower cost and easy access to herbal medicines in Iran and better acceptance of topical medicine compared with oral medicine, the present study was designed to compare wound healing, pain reduction, patient satisfaction and complications caused by oral antibiotic and topical Aftingel.
Materials and Methods: This double-blind clinical trial study was conducted in 2022 with easy sampling method on 100 patients aged over 17 years presenting with lip mucosal ulcers to Emergency Departments of Al-Zahra and Kashani Medical Centers of Isfahan city. Patients were randomly divided into two groups of fifty. The control group was treated with an oral antibiotic, cephalexin 500 mg, every 6 hours and the intervention group was administered with one drop of Aftingel applied on a cotton swab and placed on wound for 20 seconds, 3 times a day. Demographic information, wound length, pain intensity, healing time, patient satisfaction, and side effects were recorded in a questionnaire.
Results: Males constituted 86% of participants. Study groups were mostly similar in terms of demographic criteria. There was no significant difference between control and intervention groups in terms of age and gender (p˃0.05). The duration of treatment was less in control group compared with intervention (p˂0.05). Satisfaction level of patients in the intervention group was higher than control (p˂0.05). Wound size and pain were not significantly different between control and intervention during the follow-up period. However, comparison in each group showed a significant decrease in wound size and pain.
Conclusion: The two groups were similar in terms of age- sex- pain reduction and wound size. The duration of treatment was shorter in the control group, but patient satisfaction was higher in the intervention group. According to these results, Aftingel can be considered in treatment of such wounds.
Keywords: Persian Medicine, Dyspepsia, Complementary therapies
Full-Text [PDF 319 kb]      
Memorial article: Origianal Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2024/05/21 | Accepted: 2024/08/31
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Azizkhani R, Nasr Isfahani P, Mazaheri M, Heydari F. Comparison of Aftingel topical ointment versus oral antibiotics in the treatment of traumatic wounds on the lip mucosa in patients aged 17 and older presenting to the emergency departments of Al-Zahra and Kashani Medical Education Centers affiliated with Isfahan University of Medical Sciences. jiitm 2024; 15 (1) :27-34
URL: http://jiitm.ir/article-1-1678-en.html

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Volume 15, Issue 1 (spring 2024) Back to browse issues page
مجله طب سنتی اسلام و ایران Journal of Islamic and Iranian Traditional Medicine

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