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:: Volume 14, Issue 3 (autumn 2023) ::
jiitm 2023, 14(3): 165-174 Back to browse issues page
Evidence-based interventions of Persian Medicine in the management of oligomenorrhea and abnormal uterine bleeding: Literature review and expert opinion
Sajjad Sadeghi , Roshanak Mokaberinejad , Marzieh Qaraaty , Arezoo Moini Jazani , Nasrin Saharkhiz , Mona Shariati , Samaneh Kashi , Sodabeh Kazemi Aski , Mohsen Naseri , Morteza Mojahedi , Mojgan Tansaz * , Samaneh Soleymani
Abstract:   (1580 Views)
Persian Medicine (PM) offers a unique perspective on gynecological disorders, prompting the need for scientific validation of complementary approaches. This paper synthesizes research on the efficacy and safety of PM interventions for oligomenorrhea and abnormal uterine bleeding. This paper reports on a collaborative initiative involving PM experts and gynecology/obstetrics specialists. The program consisted of two expert panels addressing oligomenorrhea and abnormal uterine bleeding, employing the expert panel method. PM experts presented clinical trial papers relevant to each panel, facilitating a comprehensive review and critique of available scientific evidence. This process sparked a scientific discussion and exchange of opinions among the participating experts. Thirteen clinical trial articles had explored PM interventions in abnormal uterine bleeding, covering Persian Golnar, Golnar capsules, plantain, lentils, myrtle, purslane, pomegranate peel, frankincense-ginger, quince, ginger, chamomile, and cupping therapy. Additionally, nine articles on oligomenorrhea encompassed interventions like anise-celery, sesame, black seed oil, Fomentex herbal tea, Aslaq, oregano, fennel, Agnogel, and fennel plus dry cupping. Utilizing PM interventions for gynecologic diseases requires rigorous diagnostic evaluations and therapeutic measures. The necessity for further clinical trials is emphasized to confirm the effectiveness and safety of these interventions. Collaborative efforts between PM specialists and gynecologists are vital for the logical progression of PM within the health system.
Keywords: Persian Medicine, Traditional Medicine, Amenorrhea, Oligomenorrhea, Metrorrhagia
Full-Text [PDF 132 kb]      
Memorial article: Review Article | Subject: Traditional Medicine
Received: 2024/01/2 | Accepted: 2024/01/23
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Sadeghi S, Mokaberinejad R, Qaraaty M, Moini Jazani A, Saharkhiz N, Shariati M, et al . Evidence-based interventions of Persian Medicine in the management of oligomenorrhea and abnormal uterine bleeding: Literature review and expert opinion. jiitm 2023; 14 (3) :165-174
URL: http://jiitm.ir/article-1-1629-en.html

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Volume 14, Issue 3 (autumn 2023) Back to browse issues page
مجله طب سنتی اسلام و ایران Journal of Islamic and Iranian Traditional Medicine

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This Journal is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

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