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:: Volume 12, Issue 1 (spring 2021) ::
jiitm 2021, 12(1): 27-38 Back to browse issues page
Causes of anemia in traditional Persian medicine and comparison with conventional medicine
Rasul Pourhakim Rezaei , Fatemeh Emadi , Maryam Iranzadasl * , Jale Aliasl , Saeid Razavi Dizaji
Abstract:   (4229 Views)

Background and Purpose: Anemia presents with deficiency in red blood cells or a decrease in hemoglobin. About a third of the world's populations suffer from anemia, so it is very common and places a heavy economic burden on the health system. There are different types of anemia depending on the cause. The aim of this study was to investigate the causes of anemia in traditional Persian medicine (TPM) and compare it with conventional medicine.
Materials and Methods: In this review study, the causes of anemia were searched in reliable sources of TPM from the fourth to the thirteenth century AH, including Al-Hawi fi al-Tibb, Al-Qanun fi al-Tibb, Zakhireye Khwarazmshahi and Iksir-i Azam with keywords Ghellat-od dam and anemia. Scientific databases including Google Scholar, Scopus, SID, and PubMed were also queried with the keyword anemia.
Results: Numerous causes have been suggested for anemia or Ghellat-od dam in TPM resources. These include bad eating and drinking habits, various types of stomach and liver dystemperaments (Su-e Mizaj), bleeding from menstruation or puerperium or dysentery. In conventional medicine, the causes of anemia include poor nutrition, gastrointestinal disorders, liver disease, bleeding and chronic diseases.
Conclusion: The causes of anemia in TPM are very similar to the causes of anemia from the perspective of conventional medicine. Early identification and correction of the causes of anemia, including diet, stomach and liver problems, can help prevent anemia.

Keywords: Etiology, Anemia, Traditional Persian Medicine
Full-Text [PDF 52 kb]      
Memorial article: Origianal Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2020/12/22 | Accepted: 2021/05/31
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Pourhakim Rezaei R, Emadi F, Iranzadasl M, Aliasl J, Razavi Dizaji S. Causes of anemia in traditional Persian medicine and comparison with conventional medicine. jiitm 2021; 12 (1) :27-38
URL: http://jiitm.ir/article-1-1347-en.html

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Volume 12, Issue 1 (spring 2021) Back to browse issues page
مجله طب سنتی اسلام و ایران Journal of Islamic and Iranian Traditional Medicine

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