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:: Volume 10, Issue 4 (winter 2020) ::
jiitm 2020, 10(4): 341-350 Back to browse issues page
A review of child weaning in viewpoint of traditional Persian medicine in comparison to modern medicin
Hossein Hatami , Omid Mozafari , Somayeh Zakeri , Fatemeh Kolangi *
Abstract:   (3527 Views)
Background and Purpose: In addition to breastfeeding, weaning is an important phase in the life of mother and child. Negligence during this stage could result in profound negative effects on the physical and mental health of the child and even the mother.
Methods and Materials: This was a descriptive review study. The content related to the infant weaning in the viewpoint of traditional Persian medicine manuscripts was studied. For this purpose, 7 books from the most prestigious sources of Persian medicine including Exir Azam, The Canon of Medicine, Kholase al Hekma, Mofarah al-Gholoob, Kamel al-Sanaah al-Tibbiyah, Al-Hawi fi al-Tibb, and Zakhire Kharazmshahi were selected. Searching the traditional medicine sources was conducted using the keywords: breast, sodae, morzaeh, and breast milk. Moreover, the keywords of Milk Production, Lactation, Weaning, and Breastfeeding in both Persian and English languages were searched in the scientific databases including Google Scholar, Pubmed, and SID. The content related to the lactation and howness of weaning was extracted and summarized.
Results: In ancient medical texts of Iran, the weaning of the baby from mother has been reported. It was believed that the best duration for breastfeeding is about one year and nine months to two years of age. The best season for weaning is spring and then autumn. Weaning is not recommended during summer. Also, it should be noted that the child should not become dehydrated during the weaning. Accordingly, it is advisable to consume sufficient fluids including cucumber juice, buttermilk, and purslane extract as well as local application of henna on the palm and head as for the preventive of dehydration.
Conclusion: Studying traditional Persian medicine texts and using their recommendations (after updating them in the light of current methodologies) may help us for better management of the weaning process with the least physical and psychological consequences. These recommendations are harmless and specialized for each individual considering the seasons with their appropriate diet.
Keywords: Breastfeeding, Weaning, Traditional Persian Medicine
Full-Text [PDF 54 kb]      
Memorial article: Review Article | Subject: Special
Received: 2020/01/9 | Accepted: 2020/05/5
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Hatami H, Mozafari O, Zakeri S, Kolangi F. A review of child weaning in viewpoint of traditional Persian medicine in comparison to modern medicin. jiitm 2020; 10 (4) :341-350
URL: http://jiitm.ir/article-1-1204-en.html

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Volume 10, Issue 4 (winter 2020) Back to browse issues page
مجله طب سنتی اسلام و ایران Journal of Islamic and Iranian Traditional Medicine

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