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:: Volume 10 - ::
jiitm 2020, 10 - : 9-16 Back to browse issues page
People-lover physician at Oil Hospital: A glimpse at late Ali Nahavandi life and services
Farshid Khodadadian *
Abstract:   (3794 Views)
The presence of the oil industry in the southwest of Iran caused the residents of this area and those who came from different parts of Iran to work in oil company develop a new social context in the Oil company townships and become acquainted with the modernization and modern urban manifestations much earlier than their other compatriots, and discover the experience of using these urban amenities. Among these facilities were medical centers that many local residents had not seen before anything like it and hence it was called "Hospital" from the very beginning. The history of establishing the first hospital in oil-rich regions of Iran goes back to the presence of a British physician named Yang who accompanied the first group of oil explorers. The British physician beside practicing medicine for Drilling groups and providing medical care and treatment services to local tribes and communities (in order to make Company popular among them), had also dealt with security duties for the UK. One of the most prominent figures of Iran's petroleum industry is the late Ali Nahavandi, a loving ophthalmologist and practitioner, which introducing his efforts and stating his services during his presence  for nearly half a century in the oil-rich regions of the South, specifically Masjid Suleiman, is the content of this article.
Nahavandi served at the Petroleum Hospital until his 84th birthday celebration and during this half-century service, he had no purpose of working in the petroleum industry except to love and serve the people. Services that addressing some of them, based on the author's in-person interview with him during his lifetime, residents of Masjid Suleiman and his colleagues, as well as records in the Nahavandi personnel file (accessed through the Petroleum museum and documents sincere cooperation) are some sources of this article.
Keywords: Hospital, Oil Industry, Masjid Suleiman, Healthcare and Treatment, Abadan, Ali Nahavandi
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Memorial article: Origianal Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2019/12/30 | Accepted: 2019/12/30
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Khodadadian F. People-lover physician at Oil Hospital: A glimpse at late Ali Nahavandi life and services. jiitm 2020; 10 :9-16
URL: http://jiitm.ir/article-1-1153-en.html

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مجله طب سنتی اسلام و ایران Journal of Islamic and Iranian Traditional Medicine

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