"Onsol" known as “Squill” and “Basal-al-far” in Iranian traditional medicine (ITM) is a plant in the familyAsparagaceae. Two kinds of “Onsol” have been mentioned inITM manuscripts, red and white. In this paper, we tried to determine the scientific name of“Onsol” which hasthe characteristics mentioned in ITM literatures are corresponding to the characteristics ofDrimiamaritima(L.)Stearn. The white bulbs of “Onsol” have been used medicinally. White bulbs from different parts of Iran are available in Iran herbal market and all of them are Drimiamaritima(L.) Stearn.
Amin G, Bozorgi M, Khatamsaz M, Zolfaghari B, Rahimi R, Raeesdana A, et al . Onsol. jiitm 2016; 7 (2) :233-237 URL: http://jiitm.ir/article-1-681-en.html