Background and Purpose: Acne is a hormonal disorder of skin which causes different types of lesions on skin and induce by Chemical and Drugs, it is a dermal problem. Cuttle fish bone, so-called, is the internal shell of the cuttle, Sepia officinalis(Class Cephalopoda) has it's own value in traditional therapy.
In this study we tried to find out the physical and chemical stability and limited microbial test of Cuttle fish bone with semisolid system.
Materials and Methods: Fifty grams of the orginal sample of Cuttle fish bone were collected from bushehr(a southern state in Iran) and confirmed by department of Pharmacognosy. The first sample of Cuttle fish bone were used to investigate chief constituent of cuttle fish bone( 80 to 85 per cent. of calcium carbonate) by multiple methods determination of calcium by EDTA. The second a portion about ten gram were powdered at room temperature and levigated before formulation. Following of levigate, eucerin, vaselin and cold cream basics was added and hemogenated. The formulations was prepared in ucerin and vaselin basics for physical stability (duble phase,color and odour change) at refrigerator, room temperature and 45 centigrad(˚C) and chemical stability at 45,55 and 65˚C. Samples of product were also tested for microbial assys (limited microbial test).
Results: The results showed that the basic of eucerin was the best physical stability. Calcium amount of Cattel fish doesn,t change at 45,55 and 65˚C. Cell cultures of Cattel fish was examined for pathogenic microbs.
Conclusion: The finding shows that semisolid formulation of Cattel fish is sutible with basic of eucerin. Average expiration date is about five year
Karami M, Honari S, Ebrahimzadeh M A, Farokh Nasab N. Study of chemical and physical property and clinical effect of Cuttle fish semisolid. jiitm 2015; 5 (4) :340-347 URL: