One of the topics of visual perception is double vision (diplopia), in which two of a single external object are seen by a affected individuals. Ibn Sina is the first Muslim philosopher who endeavored to find the causes of this human vision disorder. The purpose of this research is to investigate the cause of double vision in Ibn Sina’s perspective. The method of this research is of a critical-analytical type, which examines double vision disorder in Ibn Sina’s perspective by referring to library sources. The factors that Ibn Sina presents to explain this phenomenon are based on the function of common sense and its role in receiving and perceiving sensory forms. The common sense is the faculty that receives perceptions of all five senses, and plays an essential role in sensory perceptions. From Ibn Sina's point of view, non-adaptation of scientific forms in it, disorders in material organs or structures, the imagination of two scientific forms of an external object and its entry into the common sense are the reasons for the occurrence of double vision disorder in humans.
Saidiy M, Kordi Ardakani E. An analytical-critical examination of double vision in Ibn Sina’s perspective regarding common sense dysfunctions. jiitm 2024; 14 (4) :275-282 URL: