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p-ISSN: 2008-8574

e-ISSN: 2981-2380
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Showing 1 results for Vabae Air

M. Zarvandi, H.r. Bahrami Taghanaki, M.r. Noras,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (3-2017)

Background and Purpose: Air pollution and its different health-related aspects pose serious problems for health and medical authorities. Air pollution is also discussed in traditional medicine literature. The present article outlines the views expressed on this subject in olden times by renowned traditional medicine practitioners (called “hakim” in Persian) and the measures recommended by them for dealing with this problem.

Methods and Materials: In this review study, valid Iranian medicine literature and articles published in scientific databases were used based on certain criteria. The relevant Material was extracted by searching certain keywords, and then categorized, reviewed, and analyzed.

Results: In traditional medicine, air pollution (termed “Vabae air” in Iranian traditional medicine) is due to stench and corruption entering the “essence” of air, thus changing its natural quality. The preventive approach in facing such polluted air is defined through the notion of lifestyle modification based on six fundamental health maintenance principles. Of these, air-related solutions, nutrition, [physical] inactivity/activity, and excretion/accumulation of different materials by the body are the most important.

Conclusion: The similarity between emergence of "Vabae air’s” symptoms and air pollution as well as the prevalence of the diseases related to it opens up the possibility of using traditional medicine recommendations to deal with air pollution. Traditional medicine presents preventive measures that can be adapted to individuals in line with the six essential principles of life. New studies also suggest that dietary modification, herbs, and exercise can have numerous protective effects through fighting oxidative stress and boosting our immune system.

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مجله طب سنتی اسلام و ایران Journal of Islamic and Iranian Traditional Medicine

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