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p-ISSN: 2008-8574

e-ISSN: 2981-2380
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Showing 2 results for Medical Texts

A. Jahanshahi Afshar,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (12-2016)

Background and Purpose: The Primitive man Used different methods in order to survive and avoid pests and diseases and disasters. One of these methods is the use of precious stones in addition to therapeutic properties have ornamental value and in this article was conducted to investigate and introduce some of these stones the health benefits of medical texts and ancient literature in Iran.

Methods and Materials: The study is library study in this regard, studied a number of texts of traditional medicine and the ancient literary texts especially poets of Persian literature about 10gemstone and the characteristics belong to each stone was classified and the views of different authors were compared.

Conclusion: It seems that some of these stones have therapeutic properties or at least useful in terms of psychological, so recommended experimental study them.

Mahboobeh Farkhondehzadeh, Masoumeh Dehghan,
Volume 9, Issue 4 (3-2019)

Background and purpose: Pharmacy is one of the oldest knowledge in the history of human sciences and civilization because of the necessity of it for mankind. The manufacturing and combination of drugs requires the recognition of pharmaceutical substances. Among the drugs with plant, animal and mineral origin, stones also have medicinal and therapeutic effects.
Methods and Materials: This research has been conducted in a descriptive-analytical manner relying on the early medical texts (Ferdos al-Hekmah, Al-Hawi, Al-Qanoun, Al-Tasrif, Zakhireh); first, the introduction of independent texts on minerals and stones; decorative and non-stick jewels and stones are mentioned in medical treatment and their function as a drug in medical and pharmaceutical works.
Results: Studies have shown that stones have been prescribed as drugs in the treatment of various types of physical illnesses, mental disorders, and even skin diseases. The use of stones and jewels in the form of single-drug, manufacturing of compound drugs, and the combination of potions and tablets has been reported. In some cases, doctors advised the patient to take the stones and carry it to prevent and treat some diseases.
Conclusion: Stone therapy has been the focus of recent studies. Considering the medicinal function of stones in the history of medicine and pharmacy, the experiences and opinions of Muslim scholars in this field can be used. However, the pharmaceutical application of stones and minerals will require new scientific studies and experimental evaluations.

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مجله طب سنتی اسلام و ایران Journal of Islamic and Iranian Traditional Medicine

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