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p-ISSN: 2008-8574

e-ISSN: 2981-2380
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Showing 2 results for Khuz

M. Naseri, A. Soltani, F. Ghaffari, T. Taheripanah, H. Rezaeizadeh, M. Karimi, M. Mohsenzadeh,
Volume 1, Issue 2 (9-2010)

Khuz and Khuzi and their books, Shusemahi and Jame-al Khuz are frequently cited in major sources of ancient Iranian and Islamic medicine. However, unfortunately these books are not available today. In this study, the four books "Al-Qanun fi’l-Tibb" (the Canon of Medicine) by Avicenna, "Al-Hawi" by Rhazes, "al-Jami al-Mufrada al-Aghzie- va al-Adwiya" by Ibn al-Baytar, and "Al-Seidene" by Al-Biruni, are thoroughly investigated for the first time and all citations related to Khuz and Khuzi were determined. Khuz and Khuzi were cited 217 times in Al-Hawi, 16 times in Al-Qanun, 44 times in al-Jami al-Mufrada al-Aghzie- va al-Adwiya, and 17 times in Al-Seidene. Considering phrases such as "Khuz agreed that ...", "most Khuz believe that...", "It was mentioned in Jame-Al Khuz", "Al-Khuz in Shusemahi …", "in Shusemahi, Al-Khuz mentioned that ...", it seems that for the first time in the history of medicine, the scientists of Jondishapur medical school composed their viewpoints and ideas, based on a consensus of the time over them, thus rendering due credit to the scholars who had worked on the same topic prior to them. Moreover, considering the direct citations of Biruni and Ibn al-Baytar to Khuz and Khuzi without any intermediate links, it is possible that in those days some books of Khuzi were accessible in different regions, as far as Andalus.

F. Ghaffari, M. Naseri,
Volume 1, Issue 4 (3-2011)

When studying some books of traditional medicine, including "Al-Hawi" by Rhazes, "Al-Qanun" (the Canon of Medicine) by Avicenna, "al-Jame’" by Ibn al-Baytar, and "Al-Seiedene" by Al-Biruni, we encounter the words “Khuz” and “Khuzi” in different phrases and with various structures. Different expressions such as “Khuz said” or “Khuzi said”, or “most Khuz believe that...”, “Khuz agreed that ...” indicate that there was an individual, group, or a particular school, whose particular viewpoints were provided in the field of medicine and pharmacology.
From the available evidence, it is concluded that Khuzian were physicians from Jondishapur, who were dealing with scientific and research activities along with others in the field of medicine and pharmacology and had an independent school of medicine. They proposed their personal or group viewpoints in medical textbooks. Some of their books are “Kannash al-Khuz,” “Jame’ al-Khuz,” and “Shusemahi lel-Khuz”, which were cited in ancient medical textbooks.
Based on the evidence, we are aiming to introduce Khuzian and their valuable position in the field of medicine in Jondishapur.

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مجله طب سنتی اسلام و ایران Journal of Islamic and Iranian Traditional Medicine

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