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Showing 3 results for Cough

R. Moknatjoo, O. Sadeghpour,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (9-2013)

Introduction: Cough was one of the most common symptoms in the patient that requires medical attention while heavy expenses were spent on the treatment aims. If the causes and diagnostic criteria wouldn`t be revealed, appropriate medications and effective treatment couldn't be applied. Therefore, from the traditional medicine points of view the purpose of this study was to investigate cough disease with modern medicine. It was hoped that the approach of traditional medicine in the diagnosis of cough disease and its treatment were less expensive and easier.
Methods: This study was a review on cough disease, incidence and causes. The Noor digital library was applied for searching traditional books with cough keyword, and also MD consult E. books database for modern medicine references.
Results: Cough disease is a necessary act to protect the airways and lungs of humans. Previously, cough reflex was related to the lung or as a result of the participation of the other organs. Coughing causes can be divided into three parts. In traditional Iranian medicine, patients with complaining of cough were asked questions based on humidity or dry cough at first, then about the pain presence and at the end, the time of the intensity of coughing to characterize the cough type.
Discussion: By regarding the classification of cough disease in traditional Iranian medicine can be helpful to choose the effective drug treatments. Consequently, it seems that the traditional medicine scientist references and also using the modern medicine diagnostic devises can dramatically reduce the costs and complications in the recent treatment procedures.

Sh. Gheibi, Z. Fakour, . Mahmoodzadeh, A. Jamei Khosroshahi,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (9-2013)

Introduction: Cough is one of the most common symptoms of respiratory tract infections in children that trouble children and families especially at night, prevent proper nutrition, rest and sleep. Many remedies are used to relieve cough in children who did not eliminate cough completely and have various side effects. Honey is a principal natural sugar with known health effects and a superior food. It has been used to treat many diseases also. Recent research has proved that honey due to low humidity, high osmotic pressure and acidity inhibits the growth of infectious agents including viruses, bacteria and parasites and also its effects on children's cough. In this study we collect the research’s findings support this idea.M.

Materials and Methods: In this paper by afflatus from the Qur’an verse “which (in honey) there is healing for people” and the like a jewel word of honorable Prophet (PBUH): " Healing does not acquired the patient such drink honey", therapeutic effects of honey in the treatment of cough in children were studied. This study is a review of the literature published in English and Persian on the Internet with the words honey, cough and children to access to all the content published on the use of honey in the treatment of cough in children.

Results : In this study, a review of the literature showed that honey in comparison with conventional cough medicines, such as dextromethorphan, diphenhydramine, and placebo can be reduce nighttime coughing and improve sleep in children and parents, further.

Conclusion: Based on these results we can say that the Quran emphasizes the healing of honey is confirmed by medical science today and health benefits of honey for many illnesses, including coughs in children is more apparent by the day.

R. Meknatjoo, Sh. Hamedi, O. Sadeghi,
Volume 5, Issue 4 (3-2015)

Background and Purpose: Cough is a protective reflex, which is when the airways are irritated or blocked. Ibn al-Nafis in the third part of the Al-shamel book defined herbs which includes 82 chapters. The objective of this study is review all of medicines for treatment of cough in Alshaml book as one of the most comprehensive books on traditional medicine about herbs.

Materials and Methods: This study is an explanation review of cough and our method was searching of keyword cough “Soal” in all of parts of this book. After reviewing in al-shamel book we found 98 simple or pure drugs contain: herbal, minerals and animal drugs, based on different types of cough in Iranian traditional medicine. Due to application rate, easy usage, low side effects and easy access we have removed animal and mineral drugs and herbals were selected for further study.

Results: every herbs, that has thinness property, wateriness and penetration, penetrates the pores of the membrane between the esophagus, trachea and bronchi, readily.  And influence severely on chest organs. Classification method is mentioned based on a variety of different types of cough therapy. So, herbals that can be used to treat cough with different functions, are divided into eight categories: phlegmatic cough, cough with  catarrh, violence cough, hot cough, dry cough, hot and dry cough, cool cough and miscellaneous.

Conclusion: Undoubtedly, the essence of the herbs and actions attributed to specific form of them, in this book is more complete than the other traditional books. With reviewing of presented herbals in this book, and its therapeutic effects on various ailments such as cough, may be received a new therapeutic mechanism. Based on this protocol can be offered appropriate treatment depending on the types of cough.

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مجله طب سنتی اسلام و ایران Journal of Islamic and Iranian Traditional Medicine

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