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p-ISSN: 2008-8574

e-ISSN: 2981-2380
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Showing 3 results for Brain

M. Attarfar, F. Ashrafzadeh,
Volume 6, Issue 1 (6-2015)

Background and Purpose: Temperaments are considered the most important difference between Iranian tradition medicine (ITM) and classical medicine which has a pivotal role in researches. So far no accepted integrated model of temperament has been presented. The reason may be Lack of basic insight in to the knowledge of the ancient era. One of the important models for integration between ITM and classic medicine is comparing temperament thesis with basal metabolism concept, but it has a limitation regarding the temperament of brain which is cold in ITM while it has a very high metabolic rate according to classical medicine. It seems that thorough Study of brain temperament in ITM may lead to better understanding of Temperament thesis which can introduce some new treatments.
Materials & Methods: This study is a library research with deductive approach data are collected from major ITM sources and analyzed in order to clarify below topics: • Basics of description and calculation of organ temperament in ITM • Factors affecting organ temperament in ITM • Association between basal metabolism model and hot temperament concept of brain in ITM
Results: Most ITM sources describe brain temperament as cold, but it has the less cold temperament when compared with other organs, this means brain temperament is near to balanced temperament. Other sources believe brain has hot temperament, which is more adaptive with ITM basics, classic medicine findings and clinical evidences.
Conclusion: In this paper we provide an unconventional concept of brain temperament, which shows the importance of studying early sources of ITM especially those before influence of Islamic society and it presents proof of basal metabolism rate model of temperament.

F. Nojavan, M. Pourhoseini,
Volume 7, Issue 4 (3-2017)

Background and Purpose: Figs are one of the fruits that the Qur'an has sworn and it is a badge of honor and certain superiority lies in the fruit. In this article, this article is about the medical effects of fig on brain disease and sensual and heart power changes. It is often said that the medical fig effects are like induced heating and obese and laxity and anti-inflammatory respiratory tract. But the particular effect of fig on brain and heart power is said rarely.

Methods and Materials: This is a review and descriptive article. At first we search about effects of fig on nerve system in Traditional Iranian Medicine references and Islamic books and credible scientific internet sites. The collected data were reviewed in detail and as a review article was written.

Results: Prophet MOHAMMAD said that long use of fig cause to lenity. In Traditional Iranian Medicine books fig can decrease the capacity of anger and is introduced as an increasing factor of wisdom. Fig is also helpful for epilepsy, psychosis and obsession. In the new research a diet enriched with figs in Alzheimer's disease modified oxidative stress and increased learning and their memory dramatically. Also Na K ATPase activity and AChE in the brain during treatment with figs was corrected.

Conclusion: Use of fig is effective on purging the soul and brain and heart power and is effective to epilepsy and psychosis and obsession. It is probable that fig is able to propitiate and create pleasure feeling in heart. It may increase brain tissue and intellectual ability.

Gholamreza Amin, Mahboubeh Bozorgi, Afsane Hosein Salari, Amir Khalaj, Behzad Zolfaghari, Roja Rahimi, Samaneh Soleymani, Mohammad Reza Shams Ardekani, Meysam Shirzad, Amirmahdi Taleb ,
Volume 10, Issue 1 (5-2019)

Background and Purpose: Lavender is a medicinal plant that has a long history of consumption in Persian medicine. The most prominent medicinal use has been for neurological disorders in a way that it has been called "the brain scavenger". There are different opinions about its botanical description in Persian medicine sources that implied to the use of various plants as lavender in different ages.
Methods and Materials: In this paper, three species belonging to the Lamiaceae family including Lavandula stoechas L, Lavandula angustifolia Mill., and Nepeta menthoides Boiss. were investigated and their botanical descriptions were compared with what has said about the identity of lavender in Persian medicine literature.
Results: The investigations revealed that the definition of Lavender (Ustukhuddus) in Persian medicine mainly corresponds to the characteristics of Lavandula stoechas. It should be noted that from the middle of the 20th century, Nepeta menthoides has been introduced to the Iranian medicinal plant market as lavender and replaced the Roman lavender.
Conclusion: The results of this work could be the research source of medicinal plants scientists to work on each of these species.

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مجله طب سنتی اسلام و ایران Journal of Islamic and Iranian Traditional Medicine

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