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p-ISSN: 2008-8574

e-ISSN: 2981-2380
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Showing 1 results for Kashanian

Y. Vazani, M. Kashanian, S. Bioos, M. Keshavarz,
Volume 6, Issue 3 (fall 2015)

Background and Purpose: Because of the importance of parturition and the popularity of complementary and alternative medicine among pregnant women, we discussed important methods of labor management in Traditional Persian Medicine in this article. Traditional Persian Medicine as an ancient medical ideology suggests many instructions to improve pregnancy and labor health. 

Material and Methods: In this review study, we searched methods to ease labor in the valid textbooks of Traditional Persian Medicine such as the Avicenna Canon of Medicine, Zakhire Kharazmshahi and Kamel Al-Senae. Then the results were searched in popular electronic databases.

Results: Traditional Persian Medicine methods to ease labor are divided into two groups; one group before and the other during labor. Instructions before labor are general instructions in the ninth month of pregnancy including diet, bath, sitz bath, anointment, topical drugs, physical and emotional status which help labor process by increase body moisture and flexibility and decrease rigidity and stiffness. General instructions during labor improve passage of the fetus and physical and emotional status of the mother. If these instructions were not effective, different drugs are used.         

Conclusion: Modern medicine after many years of researches with advanced equipment has resulted in outcome which was described simply and precisely in traditional medical references centuries ago. So refer to these valuable scientific references for finding useful guidelines for birth centers is recommended.

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مجله طب سنتی اسلام و ایران Journal of Islamic and Iranian Traditional Medicine

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