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p-ISSN: 2008-8574

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Showing 4 results for Color

J Mousavi, A Badkobeh, F Ghaffari, M Shareiat Panahi,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (9-2013)

researching about  Islamic Iranian Botanical literature shows that iranian botanists Have presented a detailed morphological description of the different plant organs. They have a lot of descriptive measures that are compatible with modern science.So reviewing and classification This disorganize d and scattered information in the literature is useful for  the sciences that  related to modern botany and will acquaintance with the achievements, methods and knowledge on Islamic civilization and invaluable heritage.Materials and Methods: This study ranged from third to seventh century AH and the area IS where the Iranian cultural.
The research method is descriptive– analytical. FIRST Have been identified the scientists who studied IN his works aspect of the morphology of the leaf tissues AND THEN Information analysis and classification is based on today's knowledge. Based on information obtained during THIS period is divided TO three BRANCH: formation Efflorescence and Stagnation. Discussion and conclusions SCIENCE of limb morphology of leaves in the third century Is formed  AFTER Compilation THE BOOK AL-NABAT  AND Descriptive criteria DinawarI  is evident in the book Alhavy.  TGIS SCIENCE  HAS REACHED ITS PEAK in the indicator works such as Avicenna QANON and al-seydaneh  BIRUNI But then just repeat information and purifying botanical descriptions of the ancestors. Taken together the data analysis can be found in the literature in terms of size, scale leaves divided to: Broad, narrow, elongated, small and large, In terms of the lamina, leaves have circle, shield, needle, rectangles, triangles and compound ternate. Leaf margins are also divided into the a variety of Like Saw, slim, congregations, sharp, split (cilantro). Leaf surface also divided to  forms a coarse, smooth, soft, sticky, fluffy (Mozaghab), Downy, Fat (Dasam), Thorny and Striated. The leaves also have a variety of colors green, red, yellow, khaki, black and white. Back and front  some of the leaves are also two different colors. Placement arrangement of leaves on the stem are als divided to o frequently cross-dispersed, laid on the ground, close to the ground, clinging to shoot, shoot tip and are far apart. The fragrant smell divided to  the stink and rosy.

Z. Naghibi, Z. Feyzabadi,
Volume 7, Issue 2 (9-2016)

Background and Purpose: In Quran explain about effects of some colors like yellow to create happiness in people.Color perception is a psychophysiological reality and chromotherapy (color therapy) is a method that uses the visible spectrum of electromagnetic radiation in the treatment of diseases. In order to long history of chromo therapy and the tendency of people to use different methods of complementary medicine, this study designed with the aim of assessment of chromotherapy on viewpoint of Iranian traditional medicine and modern medicine.

Methods and Materials: In this descriptive study, the result of Quran versesand Iran's authentic literatureon traditional medicine was reviewed and it has been tried that in addition to analyzing the concept of color therapy, the scientific evolution of the past to the present evaluation and research to discover the scientific principles and new articles that must be examined.

Results: The sages of Iran's traditional medicine had emphasized on thevital importance of colors in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases. In this humors school using the color of a person's face to help identify in recognition of his temperament, and the following functional food recommendations for the prevention of disease, and ultimately the use of special paints around the patient is recommended to help improve the early disease treatment. Avoid seeing the red color in patients with nosebleeds due to blood flowing, use the red color objects on the opposite side from the strabismus eye for curing this patient, are the evidence of this treatment, which the scientific evidence for some of them are presented in the new articles.

Conclusion: Using the old theory ofchromotherapy, along with new treatments can help to detect and cure diseases more quickly, and improve knowledge in the field of light electromagnetic energy can contribute to the discovery of new dimensions of the ancient theory.

E. Zareie, M. B. Minaii, L. Shirbeigi,
Volume 7, Issue 3 (12-2016)

Background and Purpose: Skin color and its changes which can be as a sign of many skin disorders may be as a significant assessment for dermatologic studies. This may be influenced by internal and external factors‚ of course the internal factors are not mentioned enough. These conditions and their treatment considering the basic etiology have been consulted by traditional Persian medicine philosophers.

Methods and Materials: This article is a product of a library study in the main references of Traditional Persian Medicine texts and related articles using related key words about the etiology of skin discoloration and the ways for its treatment.

Conclusion: The etiology of skin discoloration and its therapeutic methods have been discussed very well by Traditional Persian Medicine philosophers‚ whereas the common medicine approach is mostly bowed to topical agents‚ which have only temporary effects and also may make it worse. So recognition this perspective in Traditional Persian Medicine can help us to consider a most effective treatment for this problem.     

V. Rahimi Mehr, H. Motedayen, M. Mehrbani,
Volume 8, Issue 4 (3-2018)

Background and Purpose: Hospital is one of the important buildings that offers health services and with its unique facilities plays a fundamental role in patients’ physical and mental health recovery, medical researches, and finally the promotion of community’s health. Abundant studies have shown that spending and attending long-hours in health centers is regarded as a stressful experience for patients, visitors, and staffs. Therefore, using traditional Persian medicine’s recommendations in designing of health centers can be an effective approach to decreasing environmental stresses and improving its quality.
Methods and Materials: The goal of the current research is to change the attitude in designing of medical centers so that a hospital environment can be considered as a healing environment to create favorable conditions for supporting patients and their families who are in inappropriate physical and mental conditions due to fear and anxiety. Now in the present study, in order to emphasize on the use of the traditional Persian medicine’s recommendations for designing health care facilities, Traditional Medicine’s recommendations related to environmental factors, including materials, lights, colors and images for treating patients was investigated. A descriptive-analytic method which was compiled by libraries procedure was applied and after examining the criteria that influence patients’ health, solutions to create a healing climate have been provided.
Results: According to the research findings, traditional medicine sources have emphasized on the effect of the environment on human’s health. This effect may be due to some reasons such as stimulation of human’s senses by environment and person's temperament.
Conclusion: Temperament based design is an appropriate way to improve public health that is the pillars of sustainable development.

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مجله طب سنتی اسلام و ایران Journal of Islamic and Iranian Traditional Medicine

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